At UO taking my own picture !!

Vintage fur and hat, thrifted dress, Steve madden booties
OMG!! i almost made my flat nose more flat(I Know we asians hab flat nose) when i fell on the ice on my ass...Went ice skating with my brother, who jst came here from Nepal ..so jst took him to show around NY!! I mean i dont know how to ice skate but thought i would give it a shot and seriously it seemed pretty easy when i saw people skating so gracefully ..but when i stepped on the ice..i could literally stand and my brother took me around holding my hand but i fell down on my ass...AND it still does hurt..BUt nways it was fun...so finished off the day with some shopping and some korean food and shots of soju..I hope everyone is habing a good day and hopefully the new year is turning out good for everyone..Mine so far is pretty good..crossing my fingers so that 2011 turns out to be a fruitful for my life ..
And before signing out Thank you all Lovely people for ur amazing sweet comments and love ..u guys are amazing