First of all so sorry abt crappy background for the pictures thats been going on for a while..I mean blogging is a full time job and its hard to gt someone to click pictures all the time and moreover i dont hab a photographer boy freind....So thats not gonna happen for me..So instead im jst working on my little skills i hab with photography and taking pictures in the backyard of my apt using my tripod and all my neighbours looking at me like wat da heck??!! But wat ever ..The girl has to do wat she has to....Enough of my blabbering i hop everyone is already habing a good Thankx giving preparation and celebration...Personally i dont celebrate Thankx giving but still today i wanna be thankful for life,For my mom.my family and freinds who hab been with me in ups and downs of my life and Yes To All my lovelies who hab been showering me with all ur love and support...Happy Thankx Giving..
P.S.. I entered my this picture on Chictopia for The Olsenboye Chic City Girl ..so add as an Favorite if u like it..U could add me HERE